Monday, August 15, 2011

A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of teaching and learning

Overall I found this article very hard to follow. All of the numbers started to run together as I read. What I was able to gather was that the research seems to support my viewpoint that technology for technologies sake is not an effective way to teach. When technology is used to support or enhance an already good lesson, students learn more.


  1. I agree that the article was very difficult to read and follow. When I have to read those types of articles I usually try and look at the conclusions that the writer makes and then look at the data they use to support their findings.

  2. Deb, I agree this article was hard to follow and much more boring to me. =) In Josh's blog he summarized it good enough for me. I agree about technology and students using them. They will find it better to learn that way as well.
