I have recently realized that I had a lot to learn about technology and it's role in education. I had never thought of myself as technologically illiterate until I had a class in information literacy this summer. I couldn't believe how much had changed in the 12 years since I had been out of education.
So with an incredible amount of panic, I plunged in to the deep end. What I found, is that it really isn't that hard to teach an old dog new tricks. In fact I was having a blast "playing" with all of the new gadgets and sites I had been introduced to. I learned how to wordle and glog (two things most of my friends still think sound too dirty to discuss in front of their children). I opened delicious and gmail accounts that I posted to my recently created igoogle homepage, from which I access my rss feeds. I feel like I've learned a completely different language as well as new skills.
But, now that I can do all of these things, the question is - When do I? and Why? I really do feel that technology adds so much to the educational experience. At its best the entire learning process in enhanced and comprehension is deepened. If nothing else, it can capture the interest of an otherwise unmotivated student. Students are using this technology all of the time, we, as educators need to get on board; if for no other reason than to teach students how to effectively communicate in an e-mail.